Myler Forward Tilt Mullen Barrel Flat Shank Bit




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    Myler Forward Tilt Mullen Barrel Flat Shank Bit
    Stainless steel shanks. 5" sweet iron mouth pieces with copper inlays. Import.

    The Low Port Mullen Barrel mouthpiece offers a small amount of tongue relief. With rein pressure, the mouthpiece applies pressure on sides of the tongue and puts downward pressure on top of the bars. Uses more bar pressure than tongue pressure. Will not completely restrict the tongue. Each side of the mouthpiece moves independently. Turns into solid mouthpiece when asking for a stop. 7½" cheek. 5" shank.

    A mild bit, the Myler Low Port Mullen Barrel mouthpiece works well with intermediate and finished horses. With independent side movement, it is a good bit for bending, or for lifting the horse which gets behind the bridle. Also, it is a good bit for stopping and works well for horses which need some tongue relief, encouraging the horse to relax at the poll.

    More Information
    Product NameMyler Forward Tilt Mullen Barrel Flat Shank Bit
    BrandMyler Bits
    Can Ship Air or APO/FPO?Yes
    Can Ship Internationally?Yes
    Available for Gift Wrap?Yes
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